
Are you ready to make the leap to a life free of phobias?

There’s No Need to Live in Fear

About 1 in 10 Americans report a significant phobia of one or more specific things. For some it’s only mildly disturbing, but for others it can be downright debilitating. Hypnosis is a valuable tool for eliminating phobias and has been for many years. Don’t just take our word for it - visit ‘Research’ to see peer reviewed research on the subject. By bypassing the client’s conscious mind, we’re able to first uncover the hidden root cause of the phobia and second, interrupt their conditioned response. At Wild Solutions, we do this in a very gradual and gentle way, peeling back the layers and building new automatic responses that you have control over. Our Fearless program puts you back in control of you so that you can get back to doing the things you enjoy.

You can do it! Schedule your free consultation and see what adventures await…